Your Source of Cat Info
Has your cat been naughty? Has it spoilt your favorite carpet or rug with its number one? Fear not, for there are many easy solutions to get that nasty lingering smell out from your room.

Why do cats urinate inside the house?

Cats usually urinate to mark out territories, but in a toilet-trained cat, such behavior may be reason for concern. You might want to check on the condition of the litter box, as it could be a possible reason for your cat not using it. In addition, cats are private creatures. Therefore, they might give up the litter-box if they have to share it with other cats. It is advisable that you also check with the vet to see if your pet is going through some ailment that is causing it to behave this way. This is frequent in older cats and in cats with a urinary tract infection You should remember that cats, which have not been neutered (sterilized), especially male cats and even female cats in heat, engage in spraying more to mark out their domain. Some pet-owners feel that new smells and objects around the house may cause anxiety and insecurity in the cat that will urinate to remind you that it is the boss around the house. Cats also tend to feel stressed if they are abused verbally or physically, so it might not be such a good idea to scold or hit your pet when they make mischief. Remember, your cat does not mess up your house just to get on your nerves.

Why does cat urine smell so horrible in the first place?

People tend to think that cat urine is nastier and smellier that other animal urine but this is not necessarily true. The problem with cat urine is that it penetrates deeper into the fabric and forms crystals, which common carpet cleaners cannot reach nor break down. In addition, cat urine is ammonia based and it is from here that it gets that extreme strong odor.

How can you detect cat urine?

Before you start removing the smell of cat urine from your clothes, you need to find the source of the odor first. Simplest way of doing this is getting down on your hands and knees and sniffing around. You can ask others to help you too, two or three noses are definitely better than one! You can also use a black fluorescent light, which will show the urine as a yellow dab or spot.

How can you remove cat urine odor?

Cat urine removal depends on how long it was left there unnoticed. The odor will intensify with the passage of time and it is best to treat it as soon as you come to know of it. Some helpful tips to remember are:

Be sure to soak up as much urine you can, with a rug or preferably tissue papers. Remember not to rub, only blot, because rubbing only spreads the urine over a larger area. Repeat this until the area is completely dry.
Use lots of water to rinse the affected spot. Water is a great solvent and helps to break down ammonia crystals of cat urine. Soak up and repeat it for several times. This will make the process of cleaning easier in the end.
You may opt for cat urine cleaning products but never use a product, which has ammonia as an ingredient. As cat urine is also ammonia based, the product will only worsen the smell and increase the possibilities of inviting the cat to urinate on the same spot again. It is also advisable to test the chemical product on a smaller area for possible staining. However, if the area has been spoilt repeatedly, it is best to have the carpeting, and sometimes even the flooring replaced. Make sure you follow the instructions on the product label. Most of such products will contain enzymes that break the urine crystals down making the cleaning process easier and more effective.
Here are some popular cat urine cleaning products

Ø Anti-Icky-Poo by Mister Max
Ø Bramton Simple Solution
Ø Cat-Off by Thornell
Ø OdorXit
Ø Nature’s Miracle
Ø Urine-Off
What are the effective home remedies you can use?

Of course, urine cleaning products and carpet replacements may not suit your budget. You or your family may also be allergic to some cleaning products. Some of these homemade solutions can work wonders for the offensive odor.

Peroxide – you can pour a small amount of peroxide onto the affected spot directly, allow it to dry and rinse it with warm water. Dry it by soaking up the liquid with a rag of paper towels. You may want to repeat the rinsing a few times. However, be careful as the peroxide may discolor your fabric.
Vinegar and baking soda – you can mix water and vinegar in the ratio 3:1 and add a bit of soap to it. Do not use ammonia-based detergent. Pour the solution on the spot and dry it by pressing towels or a rag on it. Then, rinse with water, repeating the process a few times. When it is dry, sprinkle some baking soda on it and vacuum within twenty-four hours.
Listerine mouthwash, vanilla essence and steam cleaner may also help. Be sure to try out a few methods to know what exactly will work for you.
Prevention is better than cure

The best remedy possible is never to have cats urinate inside the house. You may train your cat to use your toilet. Cats tend to come back to the place they have once urinated, so it is best to keep the cat away while you are cleaning. In addition, you can use aluminum foil to cover the area to prevent the cat from coming back.